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Beverly Hills has a population of 34,000 and a homeless population of 16.

Skid Row has a population of 20,000 and a homeless population of 2,500

Skid Row is part of the Los Angeles Fashion District.

Rodeo Drive is home to the fashion elite.

The promotion, protection and improvement of the quality of life and the socio-economic development of local, national and international communities are part of our business ethics.

GucciSocial Responsibility Policy

We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.

Karl LargerfeldChanel

I believe in God. I believe in doing the right thing. I believe in helping people if I can.

Ralph LaurenRalph Lauren

The Prada Group believes that it is part of its corporate social responsibility to be involved in issues such as respect for people, environment, communities and artistic heritage.

The Prada GroupSocial Responsibility Policy

When something has to be done, do it!

Bernard ArnaultChairman & CEO LVMH

The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy.

Domenico DolceDolce & Gabbana

I believe it is the responsibility and duty of those in high-profile positions to give a voice to people whose voices cannot be heard.

Donatella VersaceVP Versace Group

Our ability to rise to the great challenges facing society today – poverty and discrimination, the quest for lasting peace, education, the depletion of natural resources – depends on our ability to harness our shared intelligence to the search for humanist, culturally-focused responses.

Olivier FournierPresident of the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès

A message from LA CAN


To learn more about houselessness in Skid Row and greater Los Angeles, and the fight to end it,  visit the LA CAN website:


It will take all of us to make a difference in the lives of those caught in the Los Angeles houseless crisis. Consider donating time, investing resources, and placing your energy with LA CAN, Homeless Healthcare LA, , or The Hippie Kitchen.


The number of people experiencing homelessness jumped 12% last year in Los Angeles County, California, with nearly 60,000 people on average each night sleeping in emergency shelters, vehicles or the street. Please call Mayor Garcetti  tel:+1-213-978-1028 and tell him, “House keys, not handcuffs is the only way to end homelessness.” Also let him know that you support the #ServicesNotSweeps Campaign found here: