Ecstasy Heart no.7


White Ecstasy Pills, White Glitter, Black Mount, Black Frame

SKU: WWBB Category:


Features white pills (dove, dollar, Mitsubishi, Rolex, Adam, Yin Yang, star, club, love heart and smiley) on white glitter, black window mount set in glazed black frame. All works are embossed and signed by the artist. Free P&P to the UK.

Disclaimer: It is illegal (and pretty fucking stupid to be so obvious about it) to send a controlled substance through the post and Chemical X is not stupid. Well, not THAT stupid anyway. The pills used in these particular pieces are ‘virgin’ and contain nothing illegal so you won’t get arrested for possession. Which is a good thing.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 26 × 26 × 5 cm